
Linker provides support for emergency cases and housing solutions for those in need.

Framily focuses on vocational education, self-reliant business establishments, and joint childcare solutions. It  has carried out multicultural projects for migrants for more than 10 years.

Kopino Family

Philippine Kopino Family tries to resolve  paternity claims from Philippine single mothers.  The goal is for the child to gain proper citizenship status. It conducts its work in solidarity with WLK (We Love Kopino). Visa application. visa status change, permanent residency, etc are done in concert with Tium administration.

As advisory adminstractor for EMC, TIUM, advises on adminstrative law for EMC.

Happy Dream Center provides temporary infant care and operates emergency shelters for unmarried parents and pregnant women. Additionally, it offers protection for infants in crisis situations.

Love the World provides daily necessities support, interpretation, accompanying services, etc. in connection with private organizations and individuals in the participants’ regions: Love the World, Hope World, Happy Dream Center, overseas adopters, foreigners who can speak Korean, etc.

Life Giving Tree is a non-profit organization that helps children and families, especially those who need urgent care or protection and who fall into welfare blind spots. Support is offered without condition or consideration of type or nationality of the family, It supports not only child care but also age-appropriate learning during the support period by providing a safe protective environment for the child so that he or she can return to the family. Baby supplies, such as diapers and powdered milk, can also be provided every month to families in need. Finally, single mothers in blind spots can also receive support for childbirth, parenting, education, and housing.

Yanco is an organization that provides clothing, bags, shoes, toys, etc. to children from 0 to 7 years of age in single-parent families. Through this agreement, Yanco agreed to support not only single parents but also migrants in Korea. If you ask Yanco for assistance, you can get assistance for your child’s item every season.

GABRIELA National Alliance of Women is a grassroots-based alliance of more than 200 organizations, institutions, desks and programs of women all over the Philippines seeking to wage a struggle for the liberation of all oppressed Filipino women and the rest of our people. While we vigorously campaign on women-specific issues such as women’s rights, gender discrimination, violence against women and women’s health and reproductive rights, GABRIELA is also at the forefront of national and international economic and political issues that affects women.

GGC (Gyeonggi Global Center) main activity is social integration education and support for migrant workers as delegated by the Ministry of Justice.